

Friday, February 25, 2011

CMD, The Basics And a Few Scripts

CMD, The Basics And a Few Scripts

CMD is short for commander.
It is great for a lot of things and it's also very clean.

Lets learn how to make the computer shut down everytime it's booted, shall we?

First open CMD,

Next open notepad.

If you write "start shutdown -r" in CMD and press enter, your computer will restart. Also if you write the same in "run".
(Change -r to -s to shutdown computer, or write -l to logg off.)

If you write
@echo off

start shutdown -r

goto :a
in notepad and save it as something.bat (bat is important) and then open it, your computer will restart in the same way.

So, lets get into autostart. Put that bat file in autostart (autostart can be found in start menu) and each time your
computer is booted it will start that file and your computer will restart.
If you write the next script your computer will try to shutdown several times at once. it will freak for about half a minute
and then turn off.

Lets get a better understanding how scripts works. The above script shuts down your computer, but a bat file normaly opens
CMD and does whatever you told it to do.

@echo off - This is where you put commands that shouldn't be shown as text. For example cls. You don't want that to be text,
it's a command.

cls - This one is pretty good, it clears the text in the CMD screen

CMD - This command gives you a new CMD session.

start - this triggers stuff, in this case it's shutdown.

color - changes the colour in the cmd window, I recommend writing "color 0a", which is a green color thats really cool
on a black window.

title - write "title something" to change title.

goto :a - This one is really, really, really, really cool. It's used for making loops and some more advanced stuff that I
wont go into. Lets say you write
@echo off
start shutdown -r

goto :a

The goto :a tells you to go to :a higher up in the script. so it starts the script again, then it does the goto :a command
again and the script reloads. Basicaly a loop. You can change the "a" to whatever you want, for example "error". This is
only to make it easier for you to read your script.

The : infront of "a" must stay where it is.
Bad example:
goto: a

Good example:
goto :a


dir - This shows you the files in the directory you are in.

dir /s - This shows you all the files on your computer.

echo - write "echo something" and it will be as a text in cmd.

echo. This is a linebrake.

cd - Write cd followed up with a location, to go there in cmd. For example "cd c:\windows".

cd .. - This goes back one step in the directory. For example if your in c:\windows and write "cd .." you go back to c:\.

So now you know the basics, which we'll use to make you computer do stuff. In cmd you can write "help" to get a list of most

Moving away from learning commands now.

Lets make a spamm script.

@echo off
start notepad.exe
goto :a

this script will continue to open notepad until you close cmd. Not recommended to run this on a slow computer.
As we said before, "start" triggers things, this script triggers notepad and then the loop (goto :a) is triggered.

Lets just mess around.

@echo off
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
goto :a

This will close the bar where start menu and tasks are shown, for example if you open internet you will see it at the bottom
of the screen on the explorer bar.
Closing this will leave people with little things to do.


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